Become a New Member

Inspire our community to become a better place to live!

Exchange Club of Fontana members share their time and talents to help others—reaching out to an abused child who needs love and affection, organizing a community crime prevention program, or wielding rakes in a clean-up project. The Exchange Club of Fontana helps members develop leadership, networking, and organizational skills to achieve success in business, family, and personal endeavors. Through these endeavors, Exchangites make a real difference in communities across America.

Membership Dues

New Member Initiation is $25 and then we offer Yearly or Semi-Annual Payments of your dues.

  • Yearly – $180.00  OR,
  • Semi-annual – $90.00

Your yearly dues help to pay for National/District dues plus local club expenses

Please fill out the form in all the required areas.  

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Residence Address
Business Address
Membership Level
A new member Fee for processing will be assessed one time.


The information provided on this Application is deemed confidential by the National Exchange Club of Fontana. If for whatever reason, the Application is withdrawn or denied, it will be appropriately discarded and a full refund we will made back to the applicant. Upon submission, the applicant will be considered for membership by the Club’s Board of Directors.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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